




注册免费学习英语Study English for Free


针对零基础人群,基督徒领袖学院为您提供免费学英语课程,由苏珊·德拉·福恩特(Susan De La Fuente)教授和亚当·奈维斯博士(Dr. Adam Navis)授课。针对英语听力、口语、阅读和写作技能从零提高到三年级水平。

  • 提高英语词汇量
  • 提高英语技能
  • 提高实用英语能力
  • 提高英语使用熟练度


课程名称 Course Name
基础英语1(4学分) English Literacy 1 (4 credits)
基础英语2(4学分) English Literacy 2 (4 credits)
基础英语3(4学分) English Literacy 3 (4 credits)
基础英语写作(2学分) Basic Writing (2 credits)


1. 点击“注册免费学习英语Study English for Free”链接在官方学习平台进行注册 1. Click on”Study English for Free” to register the student account on learning platform
2. 完成“入门课程”之后即可获得奖学金 2. Complete “Christian Leaders Connection” to receive scholarship for free studies
3. 自主选修课程 – 对感兴趣的英语课程选择后学习 3. Enroll yourself  in your interested English courses


注册免费学习英语Study English for Free


English Literacy for Beginners 1-3 (4 Credits)

Professor: Susan De La Fuente

This course is designed to bring the student from zero English Reading and Writing skills to a 3rd-grade level.

If you have advanced English proficiency skill already, this class will teach you how to help others and will be a relatively easy class. If you need to strengthen your skills, this class may be more challenging, but in the end, you will improve and you will learn how to teach English proficiency to others.

This class will also help you advance in your English vocabulary. This is important in English literacy and proficiency.

The class will finally look at how to help you learn how to do well on tests and quizzes. We want you to do well, so we will give you secrets of good test taking.


注册免费学习英语Study English for Free


Basic Writing (2 Credits)

Professor: Rev. Dr. Adam Navis

Writers are needed for bringing more revival! We need better writers. Never before in history have so many people had access to publishing platforms. Unfortunately, there is still a lot of poor writing: poor in technical aspects, but also inhospitable, thoughtless, and even violent. This course will help you become a better writer. It is not a course about understanding the building blocks of writing (words, sentences, and grammar) but about understanding the architecture and process required to turn those materials into a solid structure. Each lesson builds on the previous one, walking you through a specific writing process that will yield a publishable work, but which is repeatable for future projects.

At the end of the course, you will follow the principles from this course to produce a writing project using one of the five topic options provided.

One goal of the course is to leave you feeling eager to participate in the wider public conversations through writing. A second is to help you feel that writing is not as scary, challenging, or difficult as you might believe.


1. Understand the architecture and process required to produce solid writing.

2. Participate confidently and clearly in the wider public conversations through writing.

3. Produce publishable work by applying the principles and steps taught in this course.


注册免费学习英语Study English for Free